Dangote Refinery, You and Capitalist Economy under a Criminal Ruling Class – Written by Adeola Soetan

It’s funny that those who support rotten capitalism, maximum profit driven free market economy, “sell to who you like” market forces are crying now that the behemoth NNPC is not selling oil to Dangote but to foreign biz interests . That’s interesting. Lesson: Never support any economic policy you don’t fully understand, don’t just echo it because your political masters or some economic “experts are saying it. Understand it fully first and how it’s going to affect you before you start spreading what may have adverse effects on you. .

You have not even seen their roguish market forces in full operation yet, and you are already crying foul play. Laughable! . Dangote Refinery is just about to suffer what you as citizens have been suffering for long as conscious or unconscious victims of their “let the market forces decide” and let the citizens go to hell, if they like under a criminal ruling elite worsened by Tinubu “courageous regime” as some of you like to describe his government of economic torture, mass hunger, flying inflation & mass impoverishment. Meanwhile these oil thieves aided by some criminals in power are the “Market” and the “Forces” so they can manipulate anything, anybody at anytime. Never go to bed with their anti-masses economic policies or else you will wake up to discover that you have become a voluntary economic victim as it’s happening now and before.

There’s no national morality in rotten inhuman capitalism of no state control that many of you ignorantly or foolishly support. Oil is an international product whose market is controlled by mafia market forces for highest profit by all means necessary. So when a government particularly led by an unrepentant corrupt, roguish ruling gang in a developing nation privatised the commanding heights of the economy including oil, never expect humanity, and any concession to you is going to be achieved without sustained class struggles.

By this their bad, anti-people economic policies, NNPC has the right to sell to whoever and wherever it likes because nationalism or patriotism or domestic consumption is not the focus but highest profit and protection of certain economic & looting interests. All our cries are only addressing the effects not the causes.

You can’t sell your cake and still want to eat it. You shoukd ask yourself why the refineries are killed and made not to work despite all fake promises for years. You should ask yourself why no major oil thief has been caught, prosecuted and jailed. Of course, you can’t arrest or jail your shadow.

The “Akotileta” description by Prof. Comrade Toye Olorode, a revolutionary Marxist intellectual & profound activist, of the IMF /World Bank – SAP proponents and false economic prophets during Babangida regime of SAP is more apt now for Tinubu government of “Subsidy is Gone” and desperate drive to private and commercialize all sectors of our economic life which Tinubu himself used to pretentiously condemn when he was in “opposition”.

Now that Dangote who’s one of them, a force within market forces is outsmarted by the rogue oil mafia, the real oil thieves symbolised by the untouchable Almighty NNPC is lamenting, I hope those false clairvoyant citizens, automated Abobakus and lazy thinkers including prowling false public intellectuals and “boju boju” IMF – World trained economists who are waiting for Dangote Refinery to solve all our oil problems and start selling at lower prices (like Dangote Cement is selling at cheapest price, abi?), will now be sober and undergo the needed process of their sense recovery and understand the dangerous reality of the nation’s harsh economic situation and more to come.. Fight for Good Economic Life or Die silently in agony. The choice is yours & ours.

“Kese Kese le ri, Kasa Kasa n’bo lono, nitori Kasa Kasa ni Baba Kese Kese”. E ku oju lo no o. *Please you can consult any real Yoruba Babalawo nearest to you or a wise Yoruba family head to explain the relevance of this Yoruba multidimensional old but evergreen maxim. Good day.


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